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Their self-designation is Maarulal. They are the indigenous population of Dagestan. Their number in Russia constitutes 814.5 thousand people, including 758.4 thousand in Dagestan. The number of the Ando-Tsezic peoples included among them is 57.5 thousand, and Archins — 89 people.
The Avar language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan branch of the Northern Caucasus language family. The dialects are separated into two groups: the northern languages - the western (Salatava), eastern and central (Khunzakh) dialects; the southern languages - the Andalal, Antsukh, Gidatl, Karakh, Batlukh and Zaqatala (Djar) dialects. The writing system is based on the Russian alphabet. Since ancient times the Avars had a writing system based on the Arab alphabet. In 1928, a Latin-based alphabet was introduced, and in 1938, a Russian-based one.
Related to the Avar in origin, culture and language are the Andi (Andi, Akhvakh, Bagulal, Botlikh, Godoberi, Karata, Tindi, Chamalal) and Dido (Bezhta, Hinukh, Hunzib, Khvarshi, Tsezi-Dido) peoples that populate the basins of the rivers Andi Koysu and Avar Koysu, as well as the Archins (the upper reach of the Kara Koysu river). Many of these were partially or completely assimilated by the Avars.
The highland settlements of the Avars are small (30-50 houses), frequently located near rivers; in mountain regions usually fairly large ones (300-500 houses) on the slopes, at the edge of precipices and medium-sized on top of peaks and on rocky ledges; south-oriented. The layout is overcrowded, the houses form a solid wall along narrow crooked streets that are often covered and look like tunnels. Many settlements had battle towers. The traditional dwellings are made of stone with flat mud roof, with 1-3 storeys; 4-5 storey houses are tower-like with separate entrances on each storey, fortified houses with towers. Often the roof of one house served as a courtyard for another one. A central rod post decorated with carving was fairly typical.
The Avars’ economy was based on cattle breeding and agriculture. The following crafts were highly developed: woollen weaving, carpet weaving, patterned knitting, feltmaking, leatherwork, stone and wood carving, smithing, copper embossing, gunsmithing, jewelry, gold embroidery.
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