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Their self-designation is Lak or Laku-chu. They mostly live in the central part of the Mountain Dagestan as well as in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan.
They speak the Lak language belonging to the Nakh-Dagestan branch of the Northern Caucasus language family. There are the following dialects: Kumukh, Vitskhi, Shadni, Vikhli, Arakul, Bartkhi (Balkhar), Vachi-Kuli. The writing system was based on the Arabian script since the 15th century, on the Latin one since 1928, and since 1938 on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet. Poetry in the Lak language is known since the 17th century.
The basis of the traditional social organization is the village community (jamaat), managed by the council of the elders. The Laks had patrilineal kinship groups (tukhum), the division into classes, the customs of blood feud and payment for murder, hospitality and mutual help.
The traditional Lak settlements were located on mountain slopes, the more modern ones on more even sites. The houses are mostly two-storey (housekeeping rooms on the first storey and residential ones on the second) with small loggias.
The main diet consisted of flour-based, meat and dairy dishes. Bread was baked in the courtyard in a special cupola-shaped clay oven. Vegetable and potato dishes became widespread since the middle of the 20th century.
Plough agriculture and cattle breeding. In winter, cattle was moved to the winter pastures in Kalmykia. Seasonal work was well-developed. Out of the home crafts, fulling, feltmaking, making napless carpets, producing and tinning metal plates, jewelry, pottery, gold and silver embroidery, saddlery, shoemaking and stonework are worth mentioning. The Kaya village was famous for its vendors, the Kuma village for its pastry makers, the Tsovkra village by its acrobats, etc. The painted Balkhar ceramics is well-known.
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