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Their self-designation is Luoravetlan (“real people”); Chauchu (“having reindeer”); they are the population of Chukotka and the adjoining territories of the northeastern Siberia. In 2000, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation they were given the status of native small-numbered people.
The Chukchi language belongs to the Chukotko-Kamchatkan family. Since 1936, the writing system is based on the Cyrillic script.
The Chukchi are spread on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous District. They also live in the north of the Kamchatka territory and in the Niznekolymsky region of Yakutia.
The Chukchi are represented by two ethnic groups: the Reindeer Chukchi settle in the continental part of Chukotka and breed reindeer, the Shore (Sitting, Pedestrian, Seaside) Chukchi are seaside dwellers and hunt marine animals.
By the time of the beginning of the contacts with the Russians, the kinship community for the Shore Chukchi was almost completely replaced by the neighborhood one. Like Aleuts and Eskimos, they had canoe communities. The head of the community was the owner of the canoe. The community included the members of his family and the families of the rowers. The families which belonged to the community settled close together and were connected by the obligations of mutual help. The Reindeer Chukchi kept patrilnear kinship groups united by common rites and customs.
The traditional dwelling of the Reindeer Chukchi is the yaranga. This is a frame construction with relatively vertical walls and a conical top. The basis for the walls were several tripods standing in a circle, which were linked by horizontal poles. The slanting poles forming the frame for the roof leaned onto the tripods. The yaranga was covered by reindeer skins.
The Chukchi diet mostly included meat food. The Reindeer Chukchi used reindeer meat, the maritime hunters, the meat of sea animals. Fish did not play a significant part in their diet. Plant food was used in addition to meat. Most often, it was half-digested moss obtained from reindeer stomachs. The berries were used during gathering and not preserved.
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