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The self-designation of the majority of Romany is Roma. Romany is a collective name for about 80 ethnic groups united by common origin and self-identification. In Europe, there are at least 12 million Romany, significant groups live in the USA, Brazil, Romania, Slovakia, etc.
The Romany language belongs to the New Indian branch of the Indo-European language family. It splits into a multitude of dialects that emerged due to morphologic and lexical borrowings from people among whom the Romany lived on their long way from India.
Due to complicated and prolonged contacts with local population (within the radius of nomadic life of 400-500 km), ethnic groups were formed with a differing percentage of borrowing as well as a different rate of preservation of the Indian substratum. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the ethnonims “Russka Roma” (Russian Romany) and “Romany of Russia”. The first are just one of the ethnic groups of the Romany, but the term “Romany of Russia” includes all the ethnic groups living in the country. These are Russka Roma, Sinti, Servitka, Kalderash, Lovari, Vlach, Krym, Kishinevan, etc. By the end of the 19th century, besides these groups of Romany, the Lyuli, the Karachi and the Bosha also lived in the Russian Empire (as the result of annexation of Caucasus and Central Asia). In the early 20th century, the Kalderash and the Lovari migrated from Romania and Austro-Hungary.
Due to the particularities of their clothes and jewelry, the Romany are recognized anywhere on earth. In Russia, about 20% of Romany still remain committed to their national costume (mostly women). Over a skirt cut in front (the cut is so as not to have to put the skirt over the head and so not to “profane” the upper part of the body), an apron is worn. The blouse is always long-sleeved and with a fairly low neckline (for the convenience of breastfeeding). The necessary attribute of a married woman is a headscarf.
The basis of the life of the majority of the Romany were crafts and trade. They are knowledgeable smiths, jewellers, horse breeders, tinkers and makers of metal plates, sieves, strainers and other wood articles. The demand for their products existed in the USSR until the 1970s. One of the main occupations of the Romany was and still is music. Choirs played a significant role in the life of the Russian Romany since the 1770s.
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