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The Georgians (their self-designation is Kartveli) are the majority of the population of the Republic of Georgia. They also live in Russia, Azerbaijan, in the north of Iran, in the north of Turkey, in Ukraine, Belarussia, Kazakhstan, in France, in the USA, etc.
The traditional male costume included a shirt, pants, a short akhalukhi caftan and a chokha coat put over it, a belt (leather, woolen, silk). In winter sheepskin coats and burka cloaks were worn. Headwear was made from fur, felt (hats, papakha sheepskin hats), the bashlyk hoods (kabalakhi), from wool. Footwear included knitted socks, kalamani – shoes made from rawhide, leather boots, in the mountains, knitted boots. The female costume consisted of a shirt, long pants, a long dress (kartuli kaba) with a breast inset and a long fabric sash. The headgear included a thin silk roller, a cardboard headband covered with velvet and a veil; when going out, a woman put on a shawl that covered almost her whole figure. As footwear, heel-less shoes (kosh), soft morocco leather shoes (plosti), morocco short boots or kalamani were worn.
The basis of the traditional food of the Georgians is bread, dairy and plant products. Bread (unleavened or leavened) was baked from wheat, barley, rye or oatmeal flour. In Western Georgia, instead of bread gomi was used – a hard-boiled corn or millet flour porridge. Out of milk (cow, sheep or buffalo), cheeses, sour milk (matsoni), curd or cream were made. An important place in the diet belonged to grits and broths, including the legume-based ones (kidney beans or beans). The main alcoholic drinks were wine, vodka and beer. The modern cuisine is mostly traditional, but it has been strongly influenced by the European cuisine.
The traditional occupations are plough agriculture, cattle breeding, grape growing and wine making (there are about 500 local kinds of grapes), gardening, kitchen gardening. Weaving, pottery, metalwork, woodwork, stonework, hornwork, jewelry, carpetweaving, feltmaking were well-developed.
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