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Kryashens (self-designation kereshen) are an ethnoconfessional group that is a part of the Tatars of the Volga and Ural regions.
The Kryashen subdialects mostly coincide with the middle dialect of the Tatar language (with the exception of the subdialect of the Molkeevo Kryashens, which is closer to the western dialect). Sometimes the existence of a separate Kryashen language is posited. Four subdialects can be distinguished: the Lower Near-Kama, the Transkazan, Chistopol and Molkeevo Kryashens, as well as the Nagaybak subdialect. The main language variances are the small amount of Arabic and Farsi influences, the preservation of archaic Old Tatar words.
The majority of the Kryashens live in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Udmurtia.
Historically there were four ethnic groups of Kryashens: Kazan, Zainsk, Chistopol, Molkeevo and Nagaybak groups.
The leading role in the economy belonged to agriculture specializing in grain production. As for the technical crops, hemp was produced, or more rarely linen. Horticulture and gardening were not much developed. Animal breeding was of a subsidiary nature: Kryashens kept horses, cows, sheep, goats and pigs. Poultry breeing was widely practiced (chickens, geese, at times ducks and turkey). Beekeeping was practiced; fishing and hunting were of an amateur nature.
The homestead complex consisted of a loghouse izba and outbuildings. Bicameral dwellings were prevailing (izba and a seni antechamber). The outbuildings included pantries, barns, cowsheds, bathhouses, storerooms, cellars, etc. The roofs of the dwellings were covered with battens and straw, the outbuildings also with sapwood and reed. The house was divided into two halves – “white” and “black”.
Unlike Muslim Tatars, Kryashens continued using home-woven clothes for a longer time. The cut of the clothes was archaic. The most widespread were the tunic-style shirts without shoulder seams made from white canvas (the cut was common for both men and women). The other type of female shirt was with cutoff waist, with decoration of the cut on the breasts (izu) and ruffles. Complex female headgear is typical.
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