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Karagash (Nogai-Karagash, obsolete name – Kundrov Tatars, self-designation Karagash-Nogaylar).
In their everyday life, they use a language which some specialists consider to be an independent Karagash language close to the Aknogai dialect of the Nogai language, and others believe it to be a separate Karagash dialect of the Nogai language.
They live in the Krasnoyarsk region, in the Lapas village of the Kharabalinsky district, the Rastopulovka village of the Near-Volga district and the suburban settlements of Astrakhan – Kiri-Kili, Svobodny, Yango-Aul and the Babayevsky neighborhood.
Their main traditional occupation is seminomadic cattle breeding. Vegetable growing and fishing are also developed.
Collapsible yurt (karash uy).
Typical are the kubanka papakha hat for men and mezbek headgear and a beaver hat for women. Until the 1930s, unmarried women wore a ring in their right nostril (alka). A bride wore a conical headgear (saukele) and a veil (boy tastar) that hid her figure. Some elements of Tatar clothing were widespread (women’s painted shoes or men’s tubeteyka hats), Uzbek robes and fabrics for women’s clothes.
The Nogai dishes are still preserved: thinly chopped slices of boiled dough with meat (turamsha); stewed entrails with potatoes (kuvyrdak); salted cheese (pslak); salted sun-dried curd (kyrt); millet or rice milk porridge (kuzhe); pieces of boiled dough with sour milk (salma); fried dough slives (bavyrsak); scones with patterned edges (kyzdarmysh); bread baked between two frying pans in ashes (kalakay); semicircular sweet pasty with scalloped edge with jam, dried apricots or raisins (mai burek). As for drinks, they use tea with milk, tea brewed with milk (nogai-shay, kara-shay), sour milk (ak), in the past, kumis from horse milk and shuvat from camel milk.
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